Frequently asked pool questions

How much does a pool cost? 
It depends on the size of the pool, your building site, and different options you may be interested in for your new pool. We will always try to give you an estimate if you ask. The best way to get an accurate estimate is to have a Crenshaw associate look at your building site and help you determine what suits your pool needs.

Do all in-ground pools have diving boards?
No, only 40% of the pools that we install have diving boards.

What is the smallest size a diving pool can be?
We recommend a 18 ft. wide and 36 ft. long pool for maximum safety, although a 15' wide by 31'long pool will meet the minimum safety codes. However, the depth must be at least 8 ft. deep in the diving area.

Are pools without diving boards becoming more popular?
Yes, years ago we very seldom installed a non-diving pool. Now non-diving pools account for almost 60% of our business. Sportsman pools designed for water polo, basketball, water volleyball and such are becoming increasingly popular every year.

Will the premium on my homeowners insurance increase?
Some insurance companies do not like slides and will require that you build a fence around your pool. Normally there will be no additional premium cost to you, however, it is always a good idea to check with your insurer.

Is a fence required?
Yes, local and state laws require a fence. Some states do not require a fence if you have an approved automatic pool cover. Your insurance company may also insist on a fence. It is usually specified as a minimum of 4 ft. high and not easily climbed by small children. Self-latching gates are usually also a requirement.

How much is the water cost to fill a pool?
Rates from public water supplies vary, a typical cost is $8.00 for 1000 gallons. A 20,000 gallon pool will hold $160 worth of water with no sewage appropriation. Adding two inches of water weekly to make up for splash out and evaporation costs about $4.00.

Can I fill my pool from a fire hydrant?
Possibly, we don't recommend this as it can stir up sediment that ends up in your pool and the neighbors washing machine if the city does not flush the lines every 3 months.

Will filling a pool burn up my pump?
You can let the pump rest for periods. Another successful method is not to let the pump catch up with the demand, this eliminates pump on/off cycles.

How much do chemicals cost?
Most pool owners spend $80 to $100 a month for chemicals during the summer. There is no chemical cost during the winter.

What are other operating costs besides chemicals?
The electricity to run the pump. At nine cents per kw hour it will cost about $25 a month to run a 1 hp 8 hours a day.

Should I drain my pool in the winter?
No, the water level is usually lowered four or five inches below operating level. In high water table areas it is best to leave the water at the summer operating level. You still have to blow-out and plug the lines though!

How often do I drain my pool?  
You don't, the water in your pool will be cleaner than drinking water. Yes, even ten years from now. We fill a pool with drinking water and then clean it up for swimming.

What if my liner gets a hole in it?
This doesn't happen very often, however, patch kits are available that will fix the liner even under water. This is an easy task for a homeowner.

How long will my liner last?
Usually ten to fifteen years. The sunlight slowly deteriorates the material above the water line. This is not covered by any warranty with the liner manufacturer. Replacing the liner is a simple and relatively inexpensive procedure if the pool was properly constructed.

Does the chlorine in pool water cause eye irritation?
The chlorine level in pool water is less than the chlorine level coming out of your kitchen faucet. Eye irritation is usually not caused by chlorine but rather by the improper pH of water and/or the total alkalinity and hardness balance of the water. The adjustment of the water is simple and inexpensive, if you smell chlorine odors near your pool it is out of balance!

I suppose that all my friends and neighbors will practically live here if we get a pool?
We doubt it, usually the opposite is true. People respect your privacy more when you have a pool. Most people don't just drop in with their bathing suits in hand. Would you?

What happens to our pool investment if we sell our house?
An investment can be good or bad. A $25,000 pool behind a $60,000 house is a bad investment. A $25,000 pool behind a $125,000 house should be a good investment. The pool investment should be kept in line with the value of the property. If you were house shopping, would an installed Crenshaw pool influence you? Look at the real estate ads. If a listed property has a pool, they'll tell you..IN LARGE PRINT!

My yard is not level. Can we still have a pool?
Yes, a level site is not required to install our pools. Some of our most attractive installations are on uneven terrain.

Can I finance my pool?
Yes! Banks and loan institutions recognize that a Crenshaw swimming pool is a sound investment. They are anxious to loan money at very competitive rates. Ten to fifteen years maturity are common.

Will the pool increase my taxes?
Yes, a pool is an investment in the value of your property. Your local assessor can give you the tax dollar figure for your area. It usually amounts to just pennies a day for a whole lot of fun.

How much time will I spend on maintenance?
Five minutes a day, checking and adjusting the chemical balance of the water. And an hour once a week vacuuming your pool.

What is the single most important part of a swimming pool?
The wall structure, if the wall fails the pool is gone. Many types of materials have been used for pool walls including steel, wood, fiberglass, concrete, aluminum, asbestos and polymer.

What material is best for the floor underneath the liner?
A mix of cement and vermiculite is best. This mix creates a hard, smooth surface that will not disfigure, crack or be abrasive to a liner. Beware of sand and cement mixes or other cost cutting materials sometimes used for subsurface floors, if you cannot afford a vermiculite floor the next best floor is just plain sand.

Will the concrete decking crack?
Not if the pool was well constructed. The deck should be poured over a well compacted, solid material. A 4 ft. by 8 ft. area weighs 1600 pounds with no leverage factor considered. In cold climate areas some cracking of concrete decks can be anticipated if the sub-striate material does not allow drainage.

Looking 20 years ahead, what problems can I expect?
The wall structure, floor, decking and plumbing should present no problems if your Crenshaw pool was installed properly. Ladders, steps and diving boards have very few if any problems. Over a 20 year period some service can be expected for filters, liners and pumps.